closure, media, parents, school administration, student records

NACSA’s Principles & Standards for Quality Charter School Authorizing emphasizes that whenever a charter school is closed, either by the school’s governing board or the authorizer, a quality authorizer oversees and works with the school’s governing board and leadership in carrying out a detailed closure protocol that ensures timely notification to parents; orderly transition of students and student records to new schools; and disposition of school funds, property, and assets in accordance with law.
This course examines the key elements of a strong closure process and protocol that minimize disruption and protect student and public interests. It provides strategies for collaborating with board members, school staff, and families to implement school closures that are as smooth as possible and that make student well-being the primary focus.
See also:
Action Plan for Closure: Core Closure Protocol and Guidance
See also:
Action Plan for Closure: Core Closure Protocol and Guidance